Phones & PC

For general app development on Phones and PCs

25 Topics 99 Posts


  • Specifically development resources or questions about it

    3 Topics
    6 Posts

    @quarky ooh ok I'll try that later

  • Releases! Post your projects or apps and get feedback from others

    1 Topics
    6 Posts

    8/2/23: Working on an RP2040 Attiny85 port of TV-b-Gone by mitch altman, but better in many ways (go python yeee)

    also working on a new site layout i haven't pushed any of yet
    ps- if anyone could point me to a place to find NEC codes for SMART board remotes i'd be a happy kid. tyia and dw if u can't find any

    lea :)
    edit: self-explanatory

  • If you need assistance with your PC (or even Phone, eg. Custom ROMs, etc) ask here

    13 Topics
    44 Posts

    yo, so i need rammerhead proxy links that work. and the only way to get em is joining a discord server. or creating your own. I would do it myself but i cant for reasons i wont bother to explain here. anyone willing to help please dm me asap ill be checking in dms everyday. ty

    heres the discords where you can get the proxies and link them to-

    I swear this isnt a hack or i actually need this, DM for more detials pls pls pls